Monday, February 18, 2008

Philippians 2:1-18 Joy in the Gospel Community

Our passage comes in the same context as 1:27-30 - Walking worthy of the gospel. We talked about the radical call of God for the community of Christ followers. We are to be incredibly different - a community who loves one another unconditionally, who shares the same passion and drive, who walks in humility, and a community who is not only concerned with themselves but who is also genuinely concerned for others as well. Paul's "list" is not simply a religious list of do's and don'ts, rather it is a glimpse of what it looks like when the gospel of Jesus Christ is bearing fruit in the community. It is the outworking of this process - God has done a great work for us in Christ - God is doing a great work in us in Christ (transformation) - and God is doing a great work through us > that is the fruit of the gospel that Paul wrote of. So, this is not a "list" of religious things that we MUST do in order to be Christ followers, rather it is the fruit of Christ working in and through his followers.

Got questions or thoughts from this message - post them here!
Here are a few questions to help you think through your response to this passage:
1. What did you hear God saying through this passage?
2. What does that mean?
3. What is God calling you to do? and/or Who is God calling you to be?
4. What would prevent you from doing or being that?
5. How can we help?

Today's message should be available on the media page of Monday or Tuesday.


Greg Wood said...

It seems logical to me that the reason that I do not always bear all of the "fruit" mentioned in this passage is that I lose a grip on the gospel and hence God's power at work in and through me.

Further, it is the work of sanctification that God is doing in me and will complete at the day of Jesus Christ (1:5-6) when we are glorified.

Therefore, it follows that the work of sanctification is (at least in part) that work which God does to impress upon my heart the gospel of Jesus so that it works out through my members.

The same thing that has been said here of me personally could be said of any individual or group of believers.

Now for application: It seems that since I desire these fruits of the Spirit, and know that I fall short of them even daily, then what I am desiring is to better grasp the gospel with my head and with my heart. So, what I need is for God to provide the means by which I can soak in the gospel. If I am so inclined and enabled to partake of those means, God absolutely the one getting credit for working in me "both to will and to work for his good pleasure." (2:13)

Keith, what I need from my family at NCCd and hope to provide to them also is constant reminding of the Gospel! That is what I really really really need. I need recommendations on books to read, verses to memorize, and ways to put myself in the depth of the river of God's gracious gospel.

Keith said...

Our NCCd mission is to see the gospel transform everything within our reach - oursevles, our church, our city and the world.
What a joy it is to see that happening!

Greg, we all need that same thing from one another - a call to and reminder of the Gospel with all its depth and beauty and all of its incredible implications.

As to books - my library is still in boxes so I'll give you a few that come to mind:
The Glory of Christ by John Owen
Pleasures Evermore by Sam Storms
Most anything by Jonathan Edwards
Future Grace by Piper
The Passion of Christ by Piper
I haven't read it, but I understand that Luther's commentary on Galatians is incredible!
Galatians, Colosians, Ephesians, Philippians ... They all change when we learn to read them through the lens of the Gospel!