1) Baptism Does NOT Save Us and is Not Necessary for Salvation
By Grace Alone Through Faith Alone in Christ Alone
2) Baptism Is a Public Profession of Faith
Here Jessica shared her Gospel story - Great job Jess!
3) Baptism is An Experience of Communion With Christ
a) In Death (Romans 6:3-4; II Corinthians 5:17)
b) In Resurrection
1. To A New Life (Romans 6:4-7; Eph 2:1-5)
Melissa and Jessica shared about the transformation
that has taken place in Jessica
2. To a Forever Future With Jesus (Romans 6:9-10; I Cor 15:50-55)
1. What did you hear God saying today?
2. What does that mean?
3. What is God calling you to do? and/or Who is God calling you to be?
4. What would prevent you from doing or being that?
5. How can we help?
Today's message should be available on the media page of http://www.newcitydowntown.org/ Monday or Tuesday as a streaming video.
Hi Keith,
I really wish that I had been there to share Jessica's joy and hear her testimony. I know that you were also blessed to be doing the first baptism at NCCd. As you said on Feb. 3, it was probably the first baptism ever in the Capitol Theatre! I also know that you will be available to guide her in her new life in Him any time you are needed. As you have been for all of us.
I have friends who are are very devout in a church that teaches that baptism is necessary for salvation. I gave up trying to persuade them years ago. Should I keep trying? One is an elder...
What are the best scriptures to use?
I miss you and Amy and everyone at NCCd and will worship there again whenever I can.
In Christ,
Hasel - we missed you! The service was great, as I am sure that yours was as well. It was a great day!
As to your friends...
The understanding that baptism is necessary for salvation is deeply rooted in Catholicism, however there are some protestants who hold the belief as well. The Gospel of Jesus is tough to grasp - since the 1st century mankind has felt the need to add something to Him - surely there is SOMETHING we must do. The Gospel is that Jesus has done it all - we cannot do anything to sae ourselves - HE is sufficient.
That said, you will likely hae a hard time convincing your friends of this truth - but, here is a web site with some helpful understandings and Scripture references: http://www.letusreason.org/OCC12.htm
Hope to see you soon!
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