This week we looked at verses 12-18 and talked about the great Joy that Paul had as he considered the advance of the Gospel. Even though his circumstances were far from prefect and gave every reason to be anything BUT joyful, here Paul was - REJOICING! We talked about how Paul saw the bigger picture of God's redemption story unfolding around him, how that story now includes us, and how God's plan of redemption not only includes us being saved and redeemed - but it also includes us being redemption ambassadors. The sermon should be in the next day or two on the media page of if you missed it.
1. What did you hear God saying through the message?
2. What does that mean?
3. What is God calling you to do? and/or Who is God calling you to be?
4. What would prevent you from doing or being that?
5. How can we help?
Sometimes it seems that politics, football, boardgames, American Idol, and following Christ all seem to end up in the same boat, where I try to judge who has the best skills or greatest favor, and then claim that stance or person as the "side" I'm on. I always end up feeling such great pleasure when that side wins, and consequentially, I feel rather sheepish when my decision to support a team or person ends in ruin.
I say all this because sometimes it is really hard to separate the fact that we aren't just on the "winning team", like what Pastor referred to about Israel yesterday, priding themselves on a narrow-minded view of their acceptance in the eyes of their God, rather than pursuing a redemption of the nations.
I suppose it is human nature to pick sides, and that is part of attaining completeness in Christ--somehow rising above the idea of party and pride, and remembering where we came from and where we still are, and that the same grace available for me is available for Bill Clinton, Britney Spears, or all those poor Packers fans.
So that is kinda what I got out of Phil 1:12-18, and Pastor's message. There are no "sides" in Christ (Rom 2:6-12), and it is necessary for me to learn to lay aside my pride and fear that if God uses other people to further His plans, it doesn't mean that He loves or accepts me any less than He does now. It's such a freeing feeling to drop our human idea of acceptance and love and to be caught up in His grace.
Good stuff Beth.
The Gospel IS very freeing!
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