Sunday, January 27, 2008

Philippians 1:19-26 Gospel Joy in Suffering & Death

Tough week of sermon prep getting ready for this passage - the reality of death. I shared a few of my own experiences with families and individuals dealing with death. I talked about 2 individuals who were facing death:
Lisa - a twenty-something that I met in a hospital ICU room. Lisa was involved in a terrible car accident and doctors weren't sure of whether she would make it or not. Her eyes were filled with terror when I met her. Lisa knew that she might not make it and she was horrified.
Linda - had been fighting cancer for a year. She knew that her type of lung cancer was almost always deadly. In the face of death - through weakness, baldness, and sickness - Linda was always positive, always encouraging others, always serving, and praising Jesus. Linda was my living example of Paul's words - to live is Christ and to die is gain.
The difference in these 2 women facing the reality of death was the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Lisa knew that she was about to die separated from God - a sinner. Linda knew that if she lived on she would do so serving and magnifying Jesus. But Linda was also ready to die, knowing that to do so would put her in the presence of Jesus - he great God and Savior. The Gospel and the theology of the Gospel (including heaven and hell) gave Linda great hope every day she lived and hope for forevermore!
So here are a few questions -
1. What did you hear God saying through the message?
2. What does that mean?
3. What is God calling you to do? and/or Who is God calling you to be?
4. What would prevent you from doing or being that?
5. How can we help?
Today's message should be available on the media page of Monday or Tuesday.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Phil 1:12-18 Joy in the Gospel's Advance

This week we looked at verses 12-18 and talked about the great Joy that Paul had as he considered the advance of the Gospel. Even though his circumstances were far from prefect and gave every reason to be anything BUT joyful, here Paul was - REJOICING! We talked about how Paul saw the bigger picture of God's redemption story unfolding around him, how that story now includes us, and how God's plan of redemption not only includes us being saved and redeemed - but it also includes us being redemption ambassadors. The sermon should be in the next day or two on the media page of if you missed it.
1. What did you hear God saying through the message?
2. What does that mean?
3. What is God calling you to do? and/or Who is God calling you to be?
4. What would prevent you from doing or being that?
5. How can we help?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Gospel Transformation (1:3-11)

Philippians 1:3-11
Today's message was a continuation to Paul's intro to his letter. We saw an incredible statement of confidence from Paul in verse 6: 6And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
The confidence of this statement is anchored in God Himself. It is God who started this Gospel Transformation Process - God who continues it - and God who will finish it!
* How did the confidence of Paul's statement impact you?
* We also talked about 3 terms related to the process, do you remember what they mean?
- Regeneration - Who regenerates sinners?
- Sanctification - Who sanctifies believers?
- Glorification - Who glorifies us in the day of Christ?
While the confident statement that God is at work in His children and will be faithful to complete that work brings assurance and encouragement, we were also challenged by some things.
Paul SAW Gospel Transformation at work in the Philippians - I listed 3 ways, do you remember any of them?
We were also challenged with the questions -
If Paul knew of NCCd, would he make such a confident assertion about us?
If he knew your family, would he make such a statement?
If he knew you, as an individual, could he say with confidence that God was at work and would finish His work?
Finally we saw that what took place in the Philippians and does in true believers is a radical transformation! We are not driven by religion or rules to "DO" all the right things -
What is it that drives us? Empowers us? Enables us?
How is this different than religion?
How did God speak to you through His word today?
If you missed this weeks sermon, it should be available on the "media" page of NCCd within by Monday or Tuesday.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Philippans 1:1-2

I'm posting early this week - Saturday afternoon - in case anyone visits before Sunday!
So, here's how it works...
I have some questions from the main ideas of Sunday's sermon to stimulate thought and open discussion. So think about the questions - answer any that you want to, ask whatever you want to, and share what you will! Remember, your questions and thoughts will encourage others! Let's go! Post in the "comments" at the bottom of this post.


Sunday's sermon focused on one main phrase: to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi. Paul calls the Philippian believers saints.

* We talked about the historical setting of this letter, particularly about WHO the letter was written to. What do we know about the Philippians, particularly as it relates to their "sainthood?"

* When it comes to being a saint, what does "Religion" require of a person? (Here's a hint: we talked about the Catholic Church's requirements and about "the list.")

* What does the Gospel require of a person?

* We heard several other passages from the apostle Paul about the benefits of being in Christ. Can you list some of those benefits? (here's a couple to get you going: eternal life, justification)

* It was said that Religion leads to one of two things, Pride (because you keep your "list" better than others) or Despair (because you cannot keep the "list" though you try).

> Have you found this to be true in your own life?

* How is the Gospel different, what should the Gospel lead to?

* How did God speak to you this week?